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Man Repeller review: Herb Essentials Moisturizer

For six weeks, during the unfriendly conditions of New York City winter, our Cannabis infused Moisturizer was taken to the test by the team at Man Repeller - and a wonderful new friendship was born.
Man Repeller review: Herb Essentials Moisturizer

by Herb Essntls

4 years ago


Man Repeller review: Herb Essentials Moisturizer

For six weeks, during the unfriendly conditions of New York City winter, our Cannabis infused Moisturizer was taken to the test by the team at Man Repeller - and a wonderful new friendship was born.

by Herb Essntls

4 years ago

Man Repeller review: Herb Essentials Moisturizer

For six weeks, during the unfriendly conditions of New York City winter, our Cannabis infused Moisturizer was taken to the test by the team at Man Repeller - and a wonderful new friendship was born.

The new regimen resulted in a protected skin, more compliments than ever, and it all came without the common breakouts that can happen when switching to a new facial moisturizer. 

“My face has a new best friend, and it is this moisturizer. Aside from keeping my skin together this winter, my favorite part of this moisturizing experience is how it makes my head smell like a little herb cookie.” Alyson Zetta Williams, contributor at Man Repeller.

Full article here.

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